


  1. J.V. Gómez, D. Álvarez, S. Garrido and L. Moreno, Fast Methods for Eikonal Equations: an Experimental Survey. Submitted to ACM Computing Surveys 2015 Impact factor (2014): 4.043, Q1.
    PDF ArXiV

  2. J.V. Gómez, D. Álvarez, S. Garrido and L. Moreno, Deterministic, Globally Stable Motion Learning with Fast Marching Square. Soft Computing. Accepted 2015. Impact factor (2014): 1.271.

  3. D. Álvarez, J.V. Gómez, S. Garrido and L. Moreno, 3D Robot Formations Planning With Fast Marching Square. Journal of Intelligent and Robotic Systems. Pp. 1-17, 2015. Impact Factor (2014): 1.178, Q3.

  4. J. Pardeiro, J.V. Gómez, A. Brunete, F.E. Sandnes, Evolutionary Optimization Algorithms for Sunlight-Based Positioning Sensor Networks, International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks. Vol. 2014, 2014. Impact Factor (2014): 0.923, Q3.
    Open Access Paper

  5. J.V. Gómez, A. Vale, S. Garrido and L. Moreno, Performance analysis of Fast Marching-based motion planning for autonomous mobile robots in ITER scenarios, Robotics and Autonomous Systems, Vol.63, Part 1, pp. 36-49, 2015. Impact factor (2014): 1.256, Q3.
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  6. A. Valero, J.V. Gómez, S. Garrido and L. Moreno, The Path to Efficiency: Fast Marching Method for Safer, More Efficient Mobile Robot Trajectories, IEEE Robotics and Automation Magazine, Vol. 20, No. 4, 2013. Impact factor (2013): 2.319, Q1.

  7. J.V. Gómez, A. Lumbier, S. Garrido and L. Moreno, Planning Robot Formations with Fast Marching Square including Uncertainty Conditions, Robotics and Autonomous Systems, Vol. 61, No. 2, pp. 137–152, 2013. Impact factor (2013): 1.105, Q3.

  8. S. Garrido, L. Moreno, J.V. Gómez and P.U. Lima, General Path Planning Methodology for Leader-Followers based Robot Formations, International Journal of Advanced Robotic Systems, Vol. 10, No. 64, pp. 1 - 10, 2013. Impact factor 2013: 0.497, Q4.
    Open Access Paper

  9. J.V. Gómez, F.E. Sandnes and B. Fernández, Sunlight Intensity Based Global Positioning System for Near-Surface Underwater Sensors, Sensors, Vol. 12, No. 2, pp. 1930 - 1949, 2012. ISSN 1424-8220. Impact factor 2012: 1.953, Q1.
    Open Access Paper

International Conferences

  1. J.A. Starek, J.V. Gómez, E. Schmerling, L. Janson, L. Moreno and M. Pavone, An Asymptotically-Optimal Sampling-Based Algorithms for Bi-directional Motion Planning, IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS’15). Hamburg, Germany. Oct, 2014.
    PDF ArXiV

  2. J.V. Gómez, N. Mavridis and S. Garrido, Fast marching solution for the social path planning problem, IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA'14). Hong Kong, China. June, 2014.
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  3. D. Álvarez, J.V. Gómez, S. Garrido and L. Moreno, 3D Robot Formations Planning With Fast Marching Square, IEEE International Conference on Autonomous Robot Systems and Competitions (IEEE ICARSC, ROBOTICA14). Espinho, Portugal. May, 2014.

  4. J.V. Gómez, N. Mavridis and S. Garrido, Social Path Planning: Generic Human-Robot Interaction Framework for Robotic Navigation Tasks, Cognitive Robotics Systems: Replicating Human Actions and Activities, Workshop of the IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS'13). Tokyo, Japan. November, 2013.

  5. J.V. Gómez, D. Álvarez, S. Garrido and L. Moreno, Improving Sampling-based Path Planning Methods with Fast Marching, Iberian Robotics Conference (ROBOT2013). Madrid, Spain. November, 2013.

  6. J.V. Gómez, S. Garrido and L. Moreno, How to deal with difficulty and uncertainty in the Outdoor Trajectory Planning with Fast Marching, Iberian Robotics Conference (ROBOT2013). Madrid, Spain. November, 2013.

  7. J. Pardeiro, J.V. Gómez, D. Álvarez and L. Moreno, Learning-based Floor Segmentation and Reconstruction, Iberian Robotics Conference (ROBOT2013). Madrid, Spain. November, 2013.
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  8. D. Álvarez, A. Lumbier, J.V. Gómez, S. Garrido and L. Moreno, Precision Grasp Planning with Gifu Hand III based on Fast Marching Square, IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS'13). Tokyo, Japan. November, 2013.
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  9. A. Tanoto, J. V. Gómez, N. Mavridis, H. Li, U. Rückert and S. Garrido, Teletesting: Remote Path Planning Experimentation and Benchmarking in the TeleWorkbench, IEEE European Conference on Mobile Robots (ECMR'13). Barcelona, Spain. September, 2013.
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  10. D. Álvarez, A. Lumbier, J.V. Gómez, S. Garrido and L. Moreno, Precision Grasp Planning Based on Fast Marching Square, Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation (MED'13), Chania, Greece. June, 2013.
    PDF - Video

  11. J.V. Gómez, A. Vale, F. Valente, J. Ferreira, S. Garrido and L. Moreno, Fast Marching in motion planning for rhombic like vehicles operating in ITER, International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA2013), Karlsruhe, Germany. May, 2013.
    PDF - Video

  12. T. Varvadoukas, E. Giannakidou, J.V. Gómez and N. Mavridis, Indoor Furniture and Room Recognition for a Robot using Internet-derived Models and Object Context, International Conference on Frontiers of Information Technology (FIT2012), Islamabad, Pakistan. December, 2012.

  13. N. Giakoumidis, J.U Bak, J.V. Gómez, A. Llenga and N. Mavridis, Pilot-Scale Development of a UAV-UGV Hybrid with Air-Based UGV Path Planning, International Conference on Frontiers of Information Technology (FIT2012, Islamabad, Pakistan. December, 2012.
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  14. J.V. Gómez, D. Álvarez, S. Garrido and L. Moreno, Kinesthetic Teaching via Fast Marching Square, IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS2012), Vila Moura, Portugal. October, 2012.

  15. J.V. Gómez, F.E. Sandnes and B. Fernández, Open Source Global Positioning System for Individuals with Reduced Orientation and Navegation Abilites, International Conference on Software Development for Enhancing Accessibility and Fighting Info-exclusion (DSAI2012), Douro Region, Portugal. July, 2012.
    PDF Abstract - Poster

  16. J.V. Gómez and F.E. Sandnes, RoboGuideDog: Guiding Blind Users Through Physical Environments with Laser Range Scanners, International Conference on Software Development for Enhancing Accessibility and Fighting Info-exclusion (DSAI2012), pp. 218-225, Douro Region, Portugal. July, 2012.
    PDF - Presentation

  17. J.V. Gómez, C.A. Arismendi, S. Garrido and L. Moreno, On Path Planning: Adaptation to the Environment using Fast Marching, IEEE International Conference on Evolving and Adaptive Intelligent Systems (EAIS2012), pp. 74-79, ISBN: 978-1-4673-1726-9, Madrid, Spain. May, 2012.
    PDF - Video - Presentation

  18. C.A. Arismendi, J.V. Gómez, S. Garrido and L. Moreno, Adaptive Evolutionary Strategy for Robotic Manipulation, IEEE International Conference on Evolving and Adaptive Intelligent Systems (EAIS2012), pp. 24-39, ISBN: 978-1-4673-1726-9, Madrid, Spain. May, 2012.
    PDF - Video

  19. J.V. Gómez, S. Garrido and L. Moreno, Adaptive Robot Formations using Fast Marching Square working under Uncertainty Conditions, IEEE Workshop on Advanced Robotics and Its Social Impacts (ARSO2011), pp. 68-71, California, USA. October, 2011.
    PDF - Poster

National Conferences & Talks

  1. J.V. Gómez, Motion Learning with Fast Marching, ICRA 2013: Workshop on Motion Planning for Mobile Manipulation: State-of-the-art Methods and Tools. Karlsruhe, Germany. May, 2013.

  2. J. Pardeiro, J. V. Gómez, D. Álvarez, L. Moreno, Estimación de Suelos Navegables para Interiores, 11th Workshop Robocity 2030: Robots personales y asistenciales. Madrid, Spain. March, 2013.
    PDF - Video

  3. J.V. Gómez, SGPS y la Ciencia Abierta, Linuxec events, Universidad Pontífica Comillas. Madrid, Spain. October, 2012.
    Presentation - Pictures (spanish).

  4. J.V. Gómez, Open Science: caso SGPS, Open Source Hardware Convention (OSHWCON 2012), Madrid, Spain. September, 2012.
    Presentation (spanish).

  5. J.V. Gómez, S. Garrido, L. Moreno, A. Vale, F. Valente, J. Ferreira, Estudio de funcionamiento del Algoritmo FM2 Aplicado al ITER, 2º Workshop Programa TechnoFusión, Madrid, Spain. June, 2012.

  6. S. Garrido, L. Moreno, P. U. Lima and J.V. Gómez, Robot Formations Motion Planning using Fast Marching, ROBOT2011, pp. 233-240, ISBN: 978-84-615-6787-4, Sevilla, Spain. November, 2011.
    PDF - Presentation

  7. J.V. Gómez, F.E. Sandnes and B. Fernández, Sistema de Localización en Exteriores Abierto y Libre Basado en Propiedades de la Luz Solar, Open Source Hardware Convention (OSHWCON 2011). Madrid, Spain. September, 2011.
    Presentation - Video (spanish).

Book Chapters

  1. S.Garrido, L.Moreno, J. V. Gómez, Chapter: Motion planning using Fast Marching Squared method, Motion and Operation Planning of Robotics Systems: Background and Practical Approaches. ISBN: 978-3-319-14705-5. Springer. 2015.

  2. J. Pardeiro, J. V. Gómez, D. Álvarez, L. Moreno, Chapter: Estimación de Suelos Navegables para Interiores, Robots Personales y Asistenciales. To be published.
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  3. J.V. Gómez, S. Garrido, L. Moreno, A. Vale, F. Valente, J. Ferreira, Chapter: Performance Study of the FM2 Planning Method for Remote Handling Operations in ITER, 2nd Workshop on Fusion Technologies and the Contribution of TECHNOFUSIÓN, ISBN: 978-84-695-6616-9.

Master's Thesis

Some of the code of my thesis is available here. For any additional resource please contact me. I have not problem on sharing all my stuff, but it would require some documentation before sharing :)

  • Advanced Applications of the Fast Marching Square Planning Method, Carlos III University of Madrid, 23rd November, 2012.