Hokuyo-Dynamixel Coupling for 3D Mapping



FM toolbox test output


3D point cloud visualization, TV was there recording!

My 3D Mapping device is composed by a Hokuyo UTM30-LX (Top-URG) rangefinder and a Robotis Dynamixel EX-106+ motor. I rely on ROS in order to use both devices. Raúl Villajos did some specific ROS nodes.

Coupled hardware

Hokuyo + Dynamixel coupled with a custom-designed 3D-printed piece.

Hokuyo - Dynamixel coupling

Following the OpenSource philosophy (both hardware and software) I've uploaded different versions of the coupling I've designed to attach the Hokuyo to the Dynamixel.It works very well and the data doesn't require software adjustments due to wrong dimensions (the rotation axis of the motor is exactly the receiver point of the laser).

3D Model - Pro version

Designed to be printed with a professional 3D printer (or a very good one).

3D Model Printed piece

Coupling (model and real) built with a profressional 3D printer.

3D Model - Simplified version

Perfect for low-cost 3D printers. Created with the extint Object Objected Mechanics Library.

3D Model Printed piece

Coupling (model and real) built with a low-cost, open source 3D printer.

3D Model - Minimalist

Perfect to be manufactured with a metal sheet.

3D Model Metal piece

Coupling (model and real) built with a metal sheet.